【Attendance Card】How to Use
What is an Attendance Card?
An Attendance Card is a type of Test Card that allows you to record attendance, health checks and temperatures.
This page is a designed for for teachers.
What you can do with an Attenance Card
1. Collect attendance & absence data
You can collect attendance data online. You can sort them by grade level, class, and lesson.
2. Collect health check data
You can collect students' temperature records. Temperature can be recorded on even on non-school days.
3. Summarize attendance data
You can summarize and download attendance data. You can easily count how many lessons a student has missed.
Before Using an Attendance Card
Explainer Video
Steps to start using an Attendance Card
There are three steps involved in using an Attendance Card:
1. Create a Subject for an Attendance Card
2. Create an Attendance Card
3. "Send" the Card to students.
1. Create "Subject" for Attendance Card
Create subject exclusively for Attendance Card.
We recommend setting up a common name class for the whole school, such as "Attendance", to make it easier to contact parents and students.
https://gyazo.com/312686cd292da6f0076c24b3cd561172 https://gyazo.com/276945454654db758370106c7bf93985
Note You can also create Classes and Subjects from the App
2. Create an Attendance Card
Create an Attendance Card accessable by students.
1. Press the Test icon in the menu bar and select "Attendance" to create an Attendance Card.
https://gyazo.com/a0b7e1bfb1a2d5d45353889e24015ac6 https://gyazo.com/dd56b8668e9adb40febcefd2e6470c0b https://gyazo.com/45930484b247b91479b59b1afd482eda
2. Set up items and click/tap "Save".
Teachers have to update the record manually if data is changed after the "report deadline".
You can edit the reason for abscence after saving.
You can select whether or not to record the temperature.
It is possible to temporarily stop student input, such as during the transcription process.
3.【Attendance Data screen】Set up holidays as needed.
Open the Attendance Data screen and select "Holiday Batch Settings”.
Select the day you want to set as a holiday from the calendar and select "Save".
Holiday = No submission of attendance, temperatures can still be submitted
When holidays are set, "-" will appear on the Attendance Data screen. You can also set holidays later.
3. Send the Card to students
Drag the saved card to the "Send" button, and select "All" to send it to students in your class.
Students enter their attendance information on the same card each day.
You only need to "send" the card once at the beginning.
Daily flow of Attendance Cards (Teacher-side)
1. Before deadline
You can check the information reported by student in the Report list.
Reports after the deadline will be shown in red.
If the body temperature is 37.5℃ or higher, the name and temperature will be shown in red
2. After deadline
【Attendance Data】
You can check attendance/absence information from "Attendance Data" tab.
Check and modify the information as needed.
Each student's information can be edited individually or in batches.
https://gyazo.com/472ce765fa32c75db1b9edf28dc28c59 https://gyazo.com/ea16c1dbffd63bb54822b0d6e170638f
【History】You can check the attendance log from the "History" tab.
Teachers can sort the attendance log by date.
The editor name will be shown on the logs.
Export Attendance Data
Attendance data of each month can be downloaded as a CSV in the "Attendance Data" tab.
You can download all data at once. Temperature and attendance records can be downloaded separately.
You can download monthly data in CSV format.
You can choose "Attendance", "(Detailed) Attendance", "Temperature" and "All" data to download
▼Example of downloaded data
Applications and Case Studies
Health observation
You can freely describe your or your family members' health conditions in the "Details" section.
Keep a temperature record
On the "Attendance data" screen, press "Status / Temperature" to display the list of temperatures.
Students can enter a temperature record even if it is a holiday. The word “TM" will be displayed in the list.
You can also download only temperature record.
If temperature is 37.5° or higher, it will be shown in red.
Manage attendance throughout the school using the same attendance card
Using a document box, a folder dedicated to teachers, attendance information of all classes can be shared.
You can check attendance information at once easily by putting all Attendance Cards in one Shared Note.
Attendance management for Subjects
Attendance Cards can also be used as attendance management of subjects.
We recommend against setting an attendance report deadline if classes meet at different times a week.
Q. I cannot use an attendance card.
A:Please check followings.
There is no "Test" button on app menu.
If you are using the iOS version, please make sure you have the latest version of the app.
If you are using Windows, Chromebook, Android device, Mac OS, etc., please use the Web version. There is a "Test" button in the app menu, but attendance and test cards do not display properly.
Attendance and test cards are available on a dedicated server. Please check your filtering settings.
Q. How can I change the default settings?
A:You can change attendance card settings from the "Settings" tab.
Be sure to click/tap "Save" after change. It will not be saved automatically.
Q. How can I change the order of students?
A:Student names are listed in sort key order. You can edit sort key in Admin Page. If there are no sort keys, student names are listed in user ID order.
Q. How can I show only the absentees?
A:You can show only the absentees following next steps.
1. Press "History" tab → 2. Press "Filter" button → 3. Select "Absent" status
Q. How can I check who has not submitted the attendance report.
A:Press the number displayed in the "Waiting" section of the attendance data screen.
Waiting: Name of student who hasn't submitted the report will appear.
You can also check absentees, latecomers, early leavers, suspended students in same way.
Name, reasons, and details will show up in these cases.
Q. How can I make the attendance information and temperature test responses a required field?
A:Check the items you want to require in the "Settings" screen.
Red asterisk marks * will be shown on students screen. They cannot submit the report without answering them.https://gyazo.com/2a6238b96d28dcceb77e40296f55081b
Q. How can I delete a student from my attendance card?
A:On the Attendance Data screen, press "Edit" next to the name.
Then, press the trash button next to the name of the student you want to delete.
The student's data will disappear from the attendance record.
If accidentally deleted, the attendance card must be re-registered from the student's screen in order to restore the data.
https://gyazo.com/c975913c520c5790332358058834da21 ▶ https://gyazo.com/75b5bf4784452dc9e0496253c0b1017b ▶ https://gyazo.com/55c4052cf2543410d3ecd6c139b38b16
Q. How can I temporarily suspend a student's answer?
A:Students cannot answer when "Suspend accepting answers" in Settings is ON.
https://gyazo.com/8b43c68ce90999081bba89e2704256fb https://gyazo.com/8a2f419cc19d59c0d26dc22541581db8
Q. Can teachers respond to the attendance report?
A:Turn ON "Show teacher in Attendance" in Settings, and it will appear in the report.